Help with…

If you as parents are splitting up, there can be a lot to sort out.

A great many questions will arise about the future of the child or children you have together. How can you both remain important attachment figures for the child? How do you as parents engage properly and respectfully with each other despite feelings such as sadness and anger? And how – if there is a cross-border element – can this be done even when you are in different countries?

International law on child custody

If you as parents living separately have children in common, you must find arrangements concerning their custody. This cannot always be achieved by mutual agreement. Our experience from practice – especially if you as a family are living in more than one country – is that there are many potential sources of conflict, international regulations and particular elements that need to be taken into consideration. Find out more here.

Right of access

Children have a right of access to both parents. We would like to help you maintain proper access even across national borders. That’s because regular visits and telephone contact with the parent who has moved away can give a child the feeling that they are able to still be a family even after separation or divorce.

I am afraid my child will be abducted

When going through separation, someone may fear that their (former) partner could disappear with the child or children they have together. This may be based on a threat or the knowledge that you as parents want to live in different countries. If you identify with this fear, we would like to give you some suggestions for where to get help and what preventive steps you can take.

My child has been abducted

A cross-border child abduction represents a particular escalation of the conflict between the parents. When do we speak of child abduction? What leads a parent to take the child to another country or keep them there against the will of the other parent?  A great many questions arise. Here we explain the specific steps that you can take should you be affected as the mother or father left behind.

I would like to move with my child to another country

Many relationships break up and marriages end in divorce. Frequently this affects children: when their parents separate, their world is often turned on its head. This can be amplified if you as parents want to live in different countries in the future. Are you yourself planning to settle with your child in a different country than up to now? We offer advice on what questions need to be clarified first.

I have been accused of child abduction

Have you returned to Germany with your child or emigrated abroad permanently? If you did not obtain the consent of the other parent or a court before doing so, this could actually constitute child abduction. You probably acted with the best of intentions. The consequences for your child are huge, however. What should you do now? Let us help you resolve the conflict about the child and act in the best interests of your child.